

Mar  April 2024  May
Friday, Apr 5, 2024   
Award Winner
Axe Man  choan0201b (1 kills with fireaxe)
Backburner  lemondogs esports profressional (1 kills with backburner)
Backstab Kills  Nogger Ice Cream (88 Most backstab kills)
Best Latency  TheBeastlySoul (37 ms average connection)
Big Earner  Lincool (4 kills with big earner)
Black Box  Sam Shakusky (55 kills with black box)
Bleed Kill  mannifex (3 bleed kills)
Blutsauger  lemondogs esports profressional (7 kills with blutsauger)
Brass Beast  Light_Andrew123 (15 kills with brass beast)
C.A.P.P.E.R  Corroxide (4 kills with capper)
Connivers's Kunai  Nogger Ice Cream (94 kills with conniver's kunai)
Degreaser  choan0201b (51 kills with degreaser)
Diamondback  UNKNOWN (1 kills with diamondback)
Disciplinary Action  Jazzratoon (1 kills with disciplinary action)
Dominator  choan0201b (10 dominations)
Fencing  Nogger Ice Cream (6 kills with fencing)
Fire Spitter  Fox (11 kills with flamethrower)
Force-A-Nature  IceyCactus (4 kills with force-a-nature)
Frontier Justice  lemondogs esports profressional (3 kills with frontier justice)
Frying Pan  CookieDahRookie™ #RIPHavfun (2 kills with frying pan)
Grenade Launcher  DoctorDaking™ (4 kills with grenade launcher)
Gunman  haucongpham64 (36 kills with minigun)
Hitman's Heatmaker  TheBeastlySoul (3 kills with pro-rifle)
Holiday Punch  lil colin (1 kills with holiday punch)
Kill Assists  choan0201b (4 kill assists)
Knife Maniac  theholywigga (4 knifings)
L'Etranger  Nogger Ice Cream (7 kills with l'etranger)
Loch-n-Load  Epicocity (1 kills with loch-n-load)
Longest Death Streak  nindo (210 deaths)
Longest Kill Streak  choan0201b (74 kills)
Longest Play Time  nindo (23:49:18h hours)
Market Gardener  mememan_175 (3 kills with market gardener)
Medic Killer  Vault Of The Future (10 medic kills)
Most Deaths  Corporal Cuckoo (70 deaths)
Most Improved Player  Nogger Ice Cream (1,221 points gained)
Most Kills  choan0201b (209 kills)
Most Points Healed  lemondogs esports profressional (792 points healed)
Most Suicides  nindo (1,619 suicides)
Natascha  choan0201b (7 kills with natascha)
Necro Smasher  Vault Of The Future (55 kills with necro smasher)
Pistol  lemondogs esports profressional (5 kills with pistol)
Powerjack  TheBeastlySoul (1 kills with powerjack)
Primary Shotgun  mannifex (1 kills with shotgun primary)
Rescue Ranger (2 kills with rescue ranger)
Revenger  Wembley Fraggle (4 revenges)
Rocket Launcher  eriktrufel (14 kills with rocket launcher)
Scattergunner  mannifex (45 kills with scattergun)
Scout Pistol  mannifex (12 kills with scout pistol)
Shovel Beating  Wembley Fraggle (19 kills with shovel)
Soda Popper  IceyCactus (10 kills with soda popper)
Spy-cicle  Dr. Nick | •͜• (1 kills with spy-cicle)
The Scottish Resistance  Lincool (14 kills with scottish resistance)
Tomislav  CookieDahRookie™ #RIPHavfun (1 kills with tomislav)
Your Eternal Reward  Nogger Ice Cream (3 kills with eternal reward)